Explore the Depths of Child Psychology
Dr. Marcy Willard's Research & Publications
Comprehensive Guide to Autism Assessment
Dr. Willard and her colleagues’ intention was to produce a practical textbook to provide a reliable and accessible method to diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorder in clinics, schools and doctor’s offices.
The textbook was created to further their commitment to helping unique children and their families find a clear path forward to personal success and to support their belief that no family should suffer and no child’s potential should be lost due to missing or wrong information when there are so many resources that can genuinely impact outcomes.
Over 100,000 copies have been sold to date.
Publications and Research
Kroncke, A., Willard, M., & Huckabee, H. (2016). Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Critical Issues in Clinical, Forensic, and School Settings. New York: Springer.
Willard, M. & Leffingwell, D. (2010). In M. Anandarajan & A. Anandarajan (Eds). Blogging for peer review of doctoral dissertations. E-research collaboration: Frameworks tools and techniques. New York: Springer-Verlang.
Willard, M. (dissertation). Development of an Integrative-Comprehension Imagery Scale for Children with and without autism. Designed in collaborative partnership with JFK Partners: University Center of Excellence of the University of Colorado School of Medicine, and the University of Denver, Morgridge College of Education.
Willard, M. (honors thesis). Employment Disincentives in Low Income Housing. Magna Cum Laude, University of Colorado: Boulder, CO.
Poster Presentations
Willard, M., Whitehouse, S. & Dittrick-Nathan, K. (April 14, 2011). Training school psychologists: Change agents in a changing system. Teaching Activities Exchange poster session, Rocky Mountain Psychological Association (RMPA) conference: Salt Lake City, Utah.
Willard, M. (January 15, 2010). The role of school observation in a diagnostic assessment. Poster presented to the Annual Pediatrics Winter Poster Session at the Children’s Hospital: Aurora, Colorado.
Willard, M. (March 26, 2010). The role of school observation in a diagnostic assessment. Research materials disseminated at the Rosenberry Conference, Autism Spectrum Disorders: A closer look, at the Children’s Hospital: Aurora, Colorado.
Willard, M. & Kroncke, A. (October 2019). No more wait and see. Let’s make it better together. Colorado Society of School Psychologists (CSSP). Keystone, CO.
Willard, M. & Kroncke, A. (November 2018). From the kingdom of isolation to sleepovers with a BFF: The progression of social skills from social presence to intimacy. Colorado Society of School Psychologists (CSSP): Keystone, CO.
Willard, M. & Kroncke, A. (October 2017). Digesting diagnostic assessment results using Cleape model. Colorado Society of School Psychologists (CSSP). Keystone, CO.
Willard, M. (2017). Once upon a time: Story telling in autism. National Association of School Psychologists (NASP): San Antonio, TX.
Willard, M. & Kroncke, A. (October 2012). Special education law in Colorado. Training for inter-disciplinary professionals in autism treatment, JFK Partners: Arvada, CO.
Dittrick-Nathan, K., Brody-Whitehouse, S., & Willard, M. (April 16, 2011). Response to intervention: Knowing the process, knowing your client. Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Conference (RMPA): Salt Lake City, UT.
Dittrick-Nathan, K., Willard, M. (October 13, 2011). More than sturm and drung: Supporting the social-emotional needs of Gifted & Talented adolescents. Institute for the Development of Gifted Education: Denver, CO.
Willard, M. (August 15, 2011). Academic Interventions for Students with Asperger Syndrome. Temple Grandin School: Boulder, CO.
Willard, M. & Johnson, M.J. (April 30, 2010). Supporting students with disabilities in the Inclusive College Classroom. Annual Diversity Summit for Inclusive Excellence: Denver, CO.
Willard, M. & Trujillo, K. (April 27, 2010). An analysis of the evidence base behind the TEACCH intervention (Teaching and Education of Communication and related Educationally Handicapped Children). A fellow presentation to JFK Partners: Aurora, CO.
Willard, M. & Trujillo, K. (April 20, 2010). Enzymes of Autism: An analysis of the evidence behind enzyme therapy for children with autism who have co-morbid medical problems with digestion and gastrointestinal tract. A fellow presentation for JFK Partners: Aurora, CO.
Willard, M. & Mood, D. (October 27, 2009). A case study in a longitudinal diagnostic assessment of a child with autism: A case of optimal outcomes. A fellow presentation for JFK Partners: Aurora, CO.
School Provider Training & Teacher In-services
Willard, M. (October 22, 2024). Mindful kids: How to chase away worries and let go of mistakes. Binus School Simprug: Jakarta, Indonesia.
Willard, M. & Kroncke, A. (May 2020). The 3×3 of Ed ID: Educational identification of autism via telehealth assessment. St. Vrain School District Autism Provider Training: Longmont, CO.
Willard, M. & Kroncke, A. (October 2017). Utilizing an assessment framework. Adams 12 provider training: Thornton, CO.
Willard, M. & Kroncke, A. (August 2016). Removing the fog: for school-based identification of ASD. Adams 12 School District Provider Training: Thornton, CO.
Willard, M. & Norman, M. (September 2012). Behaviorally and psychologically resilient kids. Paraprofessional training and parent workshop, Betty Adams Elementary School: Arvada, CO.
Willard, M. (May 2011). Tantrums in school: A vacation to the primitive brain structures and the fight or flight response. Teacher in-service, Warder Elementary School: Arvada, CO.
Willard, M. (April 25, 2011). Resilient happy households. Parent workshop, Warder Elementary School: Arvada, CO.